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Obviously the data presented to the public is very high level but there is a need to collect data at a granular level and analyse it correctly.

Data should be available for the following for people admitted to hospital and those that have died from COVID 19.

Size of household
Underlying conditions split by

Heart disease
Respiratory Disease
Renal Disease
Liver function
Cancer - by type and stage of treatment and prognosis prior to infection
Auto immune conditions

By analysing this data a picture can be built of risk profile for people likely to be at serious risk, the current blanket vulnerable and shielding categories are far too broad and were conceived before there was adequate data available.

Restrictions can then be eased using risk factors pertinent to this country and its population

Why the contribution is important

The correct data gathering and analysis will build a risk profile across our society and will enable a risk based approach to be taken to releasing lockdown

by Penchrystona on May 05, 2020 at 11:30PM

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  • Posted by Practice2020 May 06, 2020 at 09:34

    Will help public at large to make their own assessment of aggregated data provided in official statistic.
  • Posted by Sas65 May 06, 2020 at 11:21

    100% agree. The shielding category has been a blanket inclusion of conditions, some of which may not in themselves place the individual at any higher risk than the general population if they are otherwise fit and well. Many of those shielding are very well and normally lead full and fulfilling lives, are in employment or education and generally engaging and contributing to society as a whole. Many also live alone and have been hit extremely hard on a number of levels by the restrictions placed on them. If the government is going to continue to deprive those people of their liberty whilst others, who may in fact be at higher risk due to lifestyle factors, then they must provide proper evidence of why they have done so.
  • Posted by sandiegee May 06, 2020 at 11:55

    100% agree and if the NHS/Government don't have the resources to pull together this information, outsource it to a company who do. A lot of shielded people will have the disposable income to help the country's economy to recover and if you limit their ability to spend money you're delaying the recovery
  • Posted by Ajm May 10, 2020 at 22:32

    Totally agree. Some of this information is already available from both U.K. and abroad. Shielding may well be a necessary evil for some people, but the categories are very broad and may well include many whose risk is not much higher than usual. To subject people to significant lifestyle restrictions is grossly unfair if the restrictions are not truly necessary.
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