Asthma patient
We need to make sure that anyone with ALL types of respiratory conditions no matter how mild or severe and people on immune suppressant medications at all levels will be protected especially when they work in health and social care and if lock down and isolation measures need to be strictly adhered to again ANYONE who falls into this health group should be given a choice to self isolate and be supported by their employer and government
Why the contribution is important
I was initially told by my g p office I should self isolate for the 12 week period I didn’t however fall into the shielding group and didn’t get a letter however I was continually Tod this on the 7/4/20 I was then issued a sickline by my doctor telling me I fell into the at higher risk of severe illness due to Covid 19 and only to strictly follow social distancing measures however my employer priory group auctioned me back to work I need to tell them no because the 2metre rule definitely could not be adhered to my asthma started to flare up as a result of the stress and worry and I need a new combination inhaler now as a result but there was a lot of confusing and conflictive information on the one hand I was being told to stay home then to just practice strict social distancing my employer did not support me and this added to my anxiety and stress and needed a new sick line for that too
by Skycat40 on May 05, 2020 at 01:15PM
Posted by groot May 05, 2020 at 16:36
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Posted by Meerykat May 05, 2020 at 17:18
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Posted by bank65 May 05, 2020 at 17:54
Lockdown started March 23rd and is reviewed every 3 weeks.
Shielding started around March 26th and people received a letter from the Scottish government and this is also for 12 weeks.
Speak to your HR manager and union steward if you have one.
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Posted by murrayme8 May 05, 2020 at 23:47
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Posted by cluanach May 06, 2020 at 14:22
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Posted by eddd May 06, 2020 at 15:10
i am currently employed in public service which has plenty of public in my view
i received no letter from gov.sco as my illness doesnt fall into high rish
my consulant told me im high risk through text on asking him
i phoned my gp who had a locum doctor in who wanted me to go to work with a low immune system
the gov.sco advises anyone who takes flu jag every year due to their condition must isolate?
i have rheumatoid arthritis and take 1 medicine that lowers my immune system lower and the rheumetoid arthriris association advices strict social distancing!
so where do i get proper guidelines for me to return to work safely with my condition
obviously different advice from different anges is confusing me!
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Posted by eddd May 06, 2020 at 15:12
i am currently employed in public service which has plenty of public in my view
i received no letter from gov.sco as my illness doesnt fall into high risk
my consulant told me im high risk through text on asking him
i phoned my gp who had a locum doctor in who wanted me to go to work with a low immune system
the gov.sco advises anyone who takes flu jag every year due to their condition must isolate?
i have rheumatoid arthritis and take 1 medicine that lowers my immune system lower and the rheumetoid arthriris association advises strict social distancing!
so where do i get proper guidelines for me to return to work safely with my condition
obviously different advice from different angles is confusing me !!
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