Back to Business
Government could look at a strategic approach as to which businesses could open and how they would need to adapt their operation to stay safe.
Plans to return to business could be submitted by CEOs , owners and headteachers for example as to how they would adjust with new ways of working in order to keep staff safe and minimise risk of infection. This is submitted for approval to the government (a dedicated approvals And business support team would be needed) Once plans are approved, that business is granted opening under the new ways of working structure.
This could be a good way to develop businesses in a post-covid19 world as we don't yet have a vaccine and don't know the virus's full impact. This would enable businesses to open and ask individual businesses to consider how they can adjust themselves as they know their sector the best.
Plans to return to business could be submitted by CEOs , owners and headteachers for example as to how they would adjust with new ways of working in order to keep staff safe and minimise risk of infection. This is submitted for approval to the government (a dedicated approvals And business support team would be needed) Once plans are approved, that business is granted opening under the new ways of working structure.
This could be a good way to develop businesses in a post-covid19 world as we don't yet have a vaccine and don't know the virus's full impact. This would enable businesses to open and ask individual businesses to consider how they can adjust themselves as they know their sector the best.
Why the contribution is important
To kick start the economy but with fresh eyes and new ways of working and to prevent long term economic damage and poverty
by Mumsofboys on May 07, 2020 at 07:01AM
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