
I think beauticians should be allowed to reopen. Most of them work on a one to one basis and should follow strict hygiene guidelines and wear ppe as appropriate. They should use a text or phone to alert the next customer that the previous client has departed and the appropriate room cleaning followed. No waiting are should be provide so clients would be asked to sit in their car. Possibly two sets of appropriates could be used so one set is always being sterilised.

Why the contribution is important

This service is essential for your mental health and confidence and it is as important as hairdressers and barbers.

by Allison on May 05, 2020 at 03:06PM

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  • Posted by Louise82 May 05, 2020 at 18:16

    If we're still social distancing then sitting for a prolonged time in close proximity with someone not from your household is too risky. Proximity and length of time together is a concern.
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