Beauty Salons

I would like to see beauticians have the option to reopen very early on during the phased removal of lockdown IF they wish to do so.
I understand the concern of some who work in this sector and PPE would be vital , as well as a close monitoring of number of clients and hygiene. But I am also aware of some owners of small businesses who are desperate to get going again with the appropriate control measures.
I think they are vital for people including a massive improvement in mental health and morale and some treatments they offer are important for people. (More than a quick improvement to appearance might be). This lockdown has highlighted how undervalued beauticians and hairdressers were.

Businesses should be allowed to choose what treatments they are willing to offer.

Why the contribution is important

In line with other European countries
Allows businesses to re-open if they wish with appropriate PPE and hygiene control.
Allows companies to control what treatments they are willing to offer and how often they see clients.
Allows members or public to have treatments that improve their mental health and morale
Allows a return to a form of normality that is important for some

by Consider1 on May 09, 2020 at 06:08PM

Current Rating

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Based on: 5 votes


  • Posted by Opportunity May 09, 2020 at 18:34

    What about liability? Who is liable if the measure taken by such businesses are not sufficient and lead to infection of clients? Given the PPE supply situation (even where PPE is critical such as NHS, social care etc.) it is questionable whether beautician shops should be amongst the first to re-open.
  • Posted by asmcn2000 May 09, 2020 at 18:47

    Hairdressers etc should not be allowed to open as they work in very close contact with a number of people and would be a great place for the virus to spread. I would love something done with my hair but not at this risk.
  • Posted by Rachel19 May 10, 2020 at 15:45

    I agree I think there are benefits to businesses like this opening if they are fully protected. They could increase prices to cover cost of PPE
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