Booking System for Recycling Centres

To avoid the inevitable rush and crowding when recycling centres reopen, perhaps an online booking system could be used for visits to our much needed recycling centres

Why the contribution is important

It's the time of year where garden/green waste starts to increase and the four weekly kerbside collection is insufficient foe a lot of households

by Pallasite on May 10, 2020 at 08:55AM

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Based on: 3 votes


  • Posted by petermuir79 May 10, 2020 at 10:39

    While I agree there needs to be a system, you will create the same issue we see at supermarkets and there wouldnt be enough slots.

    A simple solution would be to collect garden waste two or three weeks in a row from the kerb side.

    Then for recycling centres to allow access to certain postcodes on different days at different times.
    You just have to take your driving license which has your address on it.
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