Border quarantine

If we ever succeed in controlling the epidemic mandatory 14 day quarantine should be introduced at all entry points.

Why the contribution is important

The virus crosses borders because people cross borders. If, at substantial cost, we do finally contain thus epidemic it would be bizarre to omit one obvious way to avoid restarting it.

by IanB on May 05, 2020 at 02:34PM

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  • Posted by Rachel_T1502 May 05, 2020 at 15:19

    Agree re borders outside of UK
  • Posted by Willyscotsman May 05, 2020 at 16:50

    If you are including all borders even in the UK Ian, I agree. Skye has had an outbreak in the last few days but had managed to micro-manage up until then. If we manage by region and utilise the track and trace opportunity ahead then we can isolate and aid outbreaks more affectively. Letting everyone travel wherever they want within the UK without restrictions is no better than the original herd immunity thinking. Anyone travelling from a hard hit area in England to a low transmission area in rural Scotland should be subject to the same 14 day isolation rule or simply turned away.
  • Posted by PB0307 May 05, 2020 at 17:25

    Me too. Why we have not done this already is beyond me. So many other countries have introduced a mandatory 14 day quarantine for anybody entering from outside the country. We should have done this from Day 1!
  • Posted by JuliHarris May 06, 2020 at 09:03

    I agree that there must be a way for Scotland, as opposed to the Union, can control who and what comes into the country. Mandatory tracking apps for all visitors, airport screening too, although I appreciate that many infected won’t show up, but some will. Faster screening for those with medical certification or clearance.
  • Posted by elmrow May 07, 2020 at 10:38

    I agree that testing should be carried out at all major borders and reasons for travel should also be checked i.e. not travelling to second homes!
  • Posted by Anneofstirling May 07, 2020 at 23:05

    Other countries are restricting travel within their own borders from province to province, state to state. This has worked well in Australia, Canada. It may be that Scotland will have to try and close off from rest of UK IF that is what is best for people in Scotland. The numbers in England are huge and a risk to people in other three nations, especially as UK Gov refuse to restrict entry to UK from other countries. HUGE mistake as the numbers show.
  • Posted by Stef May 08, 2020 at 21:11

    I d eant to leave asap.
    I have been living in Scotland for 9 years now but all my family lives back home in Austria and Switzerland. My current partner lives in Amsterdam. Having a 14 day quarantine in the Uk would close us off even more from the test of the world.
    The worst nightmare and not justifiable. . I wouldnt expect Scotland to take such measures.
  • Posted by LMC123 May 09, 2020 at 09:00

    I agree. I do not understand why we didn’t do this from day one. New Zealand and Australia did this really quickly and now seem to have the virus under control and are coming out of lockdown. The news today is that this will be introduced at the end of May in the UK - why are we waiting?
  • Posted by rayneri May 09, 2020 at 18:48

    Quarantine should be enforced at all borders but needs to be supervised in a facility as people simply break the rules and many people will not self quarantine at home. Moreover people should not be allowed into the country and simply told to quarantine when they get home. Many will travel by bus, train etc to get home, potentially spreading the virus further.
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