Borders within the UK

If Scotland, England,Wales and Northern Ireland are working at different rules and times my worry is that people from these different areas can travel for example from England to Scotland freely . I think there had to be temporary restrictions until leaders of all the above are on the same level .

Why the contribution is important

Spread of virus between strict and less strict areas

by Cummic on May 11, 2020 at 10:24AM

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  • Posted by tdonaldson May 11, 2020 at 10:40

    This is highly impractical especially for those living and working in the borders and the north of England, there are dozens of ways to 'cross the border' policing all of them would absorb to much resource that could be more usefully utilised in getting us back to our new normal.
  • Posted by Dave_H May 11, 2020 at 12:13

    This is a policy suggestion born out of envy. "We are not allowed to do something so neither should they" Very divisive.
  • Posted by JuliaM May 11, 2020 at 13:00

    Communication by the devolved governments to the rest of the UK is key.

    The Welsh government have made it very clear to the rest of the UK what their rules are. Perhaps we have to be a bit more explicit in Scotland? And turn back & fine visitors that break lockdown here, as Wales does.
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