Bounce Game Golf Starts Again (Daily Exercise)
I know listed multiple times on here. But posting to add strength to the case.
Members of the club (and live locally) only , tee bookings through clubs brs system. Change in your car. Go to tee at allotted time. Play round of golf. Go home.
A lot was done before lock down. Rakes removed from bunkers, raised cups etc – you are using your own equipment. So see no contact with your playing partner.
2m safe distancing at all times, this on the fairway is usually 30 yards, tees and greens areas are probably where in the closest proximity to others. But easy to adhere to the 2m rule (on the tee distancing applied here anyway as fear of back swing). On the greens additional rule could be introduced. Only 1 player on the green at a time. 1st player to putt, goes first and keeps going till holing out. Goes off green (2m) then 2nd player holes out. (trying to avoid having kriss crossing around the flag stick.)
Bounce games only, so score your own card (for fun), so then no need to go into clubhouse to enter card into club system. Etc
Golf has been using a one way system since about 1744, (You play holes 1 to 18, in that order)
Golf has a lot of rules, written & unwritten (golf etiquette) – So golfers are used to rules, new ones like don`t touch the flag, 2m distancing or other new ones would be also be adhered too.
(How many dog walkers have I seen on my course with their dog(s) off the lead – Flouting rules)
Members of the club (and live locally) only , tee bookings through clubs brs system. Change in your car. Go to tee at allotted time. Play round of golf. Go home.
A lot was done before lock down. Rakes removed from bunkers, raised cups etc – you are using your own equipment. So see no contact with your playing partner.
2m safe distancing at all times, this on the fairway is usually 30 yards, tees and greens areas are probably where in the closest proximity to others. But easy to adhere to the 2m rule (on the tee distancing applied here anyway as fear of back swing). On the greens additional rule could be introduced. Only 1 player on the green at a time. 1st player to putt, goes first and keeps going till holing out. Goes off green (2m) then 2nd player holes out. (trying to avoid having kriss crossing around the flag stick.)
Bounce games only, so score your own card (for fun), so then no need to go into clubhouse to enter card into club system. Etc
Golf has been using a one way system since about 1744, (You play holes 1 to 18, in that order)
Golf has a lot of rules, written & unwritten (golf etiquette) – So golfers are used to rules, new ones like don`t touch the flag, 2m distancing or other new ones would be also be adhered too.
(How many dog walkers have I seen on my course with their dog(s) off the lead – Flouting rules)
Why the contribution is important
Mental health – Some social contact at safe distancing. Fresh air and take in some nature & enjoyment.
Daily exercise, extra sport option– To be honest I am not doing a daily exercise every day due to “exercise traffic”, When I do, it is either early in the morning or raining – Usually less “exercise traffic” then. Allowing golf would reduce road/park “exercise traffic”.
Would do my golf for sure, lot safer than the supermarkets.
Would encourage non-members to join their local club proving additional & future revenue, should they continue to play after lock down. (income much needed at these time)
Daily exercise, extra sport option– To be honest I am not doing a daily exercise every day due to “exercise traffic”, When I do, it is either early in the morning or raining – Usually less “exercise traffic” then. Allowing golf would reduce road/park “exercise traffic”.
Would do my golf for sure, lot safer than the supermarkets.
Would encourage non-members to join their local club proving additional & future revenue, should they continue to play after lock down. (income much needed at these time)
by djspoog on May 08, 2020 at 01:37PM
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