Bubble Groups

Implement notion of BUBBLE GROUPS to allow interactions with a selected group of people. Keep groups small (max 10) and clear that you can only be in one, single bubble and cannot cross over. Even if limited by to homes and gardens so as not to over run parks etc with large groups. This would allow family and friends to interact again and also make it easy to isolate your own bubble members if needed.

Why the contribution is important

Allows families and friends to interact with those they deem safe. Our newborn could spend time with grandparents who haven’t left their own homes so they know they are clear and clean and no risk to us.

by Laurenzo99 on May 08, 2020 at 12:55PM

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  • Posted by MAnderson May 08, 2020 at 19:32

    As someone in high risk group who has therefore been isolated from my family for 7 weeks now I am very supportive of any steps that will allow me some contact with my family. However, the safety aspects must be the first priority. Due to my own health risks and a grandchild with cystic fibrosis my family have been extremely strict about shielding. I trust my family to be honest about any outside contacts and know that any bubble for me would currently have to exclude 2 of my 3 children and their children. I am not sure others would be so trustworthy and honest given the numbers of people who seem to flout the current measures. There is no way that limiting a bubble can be enforced but for some, like me, it does offer a much wanted form of social contact.
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