Buddy scheme: support people who live alone

New Zealanders who live alone have been allowed to 'buddy up' with another person who lives alone to provide support to each other during lockdown. This has minimal impact on the R factor for the virus, as demonstrated by New Zealand's successful elimination of community transmission, and has an extremely positive impact on the health and wellbeing of those people in our society who live alone.

Why the contribution is important

Health and wellbeing
Mental illness
Social isolation
Nobody should face this alone.

by Idea201847 on May 07, 2020 at 10:29PM

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Based on: 15 votes


  • Posted by roobie May 08, 2020 at 10:05

    This should have been in place throughout the lockdown. It should be introduced immediately before any other easing options to avoid further decimation of the mental health of solo households.

  • Posted by Pensionaccess May 08, 2020 at 10:55

    100% agree. Most of the population have contact with at least 1 other person and many have contact with numerous (because they live in same house). I look on at groups out in parks etc with envy, and often annoyance when they hog the pavement and don’t have the courtesy to walk single file when passing others.
    Those of us in single households should not be denied the privilege of human contact which the majority already have
  • Posted by kirst10 May 08, 2020 at 13:00

    Absolutely agree. This lockdown is incredibly hard to face with no human contact, particularly in younger people who are stuck by themselves. A very tough mental challenge.
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