Can the Scottish Government publish its evidence?

The SNP tell us -

There is "some evidence" that the infection rate in Scotland is "slightly above that elsewhere in the UK", and say "we must continue to proceed with extreme caution".

Fully reopening primary schools in Scotland would "most likely" see the NHS overwhelmed by coronavirus within two months, Nicola Sturgeon has warned.

Can the Scottish government publish its evidence please?

Why the contribution is important

People need to understand the evidence for statements such as these, when COVID wards are being turned back into normal wards and 59% of deaths are occurring in care homes. The current lockdown has a massive detrimental affect on the mental health of the nation and young people are cut off from their friends and all sports. The Scottish economy cannot sustain the current situation. Is the reality not that the Scottish government is stalling because it is not adequately prepared or resourced for the next stage?

by Jennewan on May 06, 2020 at 04:46PM

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  • Posted by Kylesku May 06, 2020 at 21:02

    Any factual evidence from teh Scottish government would be most welcome.

    Would also be good if they stopped trying to terrify the polulation with worst case scenarios & emotional stories
  • Posted by activeandvibrant May 10, 2020 at 11:59

    Agree. We have lost all perspective on this. Following the science / evidence? Whose science? Which evidence?
  • Posted by mallan May 10, 2020 at 23:08

    Agreed, let's have some transparency with the data - the commitment was to treat us like adults, surely sharing the analysis with everyone would be a great start
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