Care Home Redesign

It is known that the R number is high within care homes and that the people in care homes make up the most at risk groups in the country. I purpose that the way to try and limit risk and mange the R number is by redesigning the workforce specifically how shifts are managed.

To do this I would almost cocoon the staff and residents over a period. For example having a two week on/two week shift off pattern or any other variation. Staff are tested for Covid-19 prior to working their weeks on ensuring that they are not infected. They then stay on site, in mobile homes, local hotels or any other place were they are isolated for there shift pattern, no external contact, with the only contact being each other and the residents. This limits the risk of spreading the virus

Obviously you would have groups of staff made up of days and night workers. The hours would be longer and staff would need to be paid appropriately but it may limit the risk of infection.

Why the contribution is important

Concerns around the high risks of Covid-19 transmission and the number of current and future deaths through spreading the virus.

by J1981 on May 05, 2020 at 03:28PM

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  • Posted by JohnT May 05, 2020 at 15:37

    If a care home has a no visitors policy then the infection must be brought in by staff so the fewer the staff changeovers the better.
  • Posted by Larky1956 May 05, 2020 at 15:48

    I think shift patterns like this would add additional pressure too an already highly stressed group of staff, people have childcare commitments that would make it impossible for them to work these types of shifts, a lot more planning needs to go into infection control within the care homes I know it is difficult to isolate individuals who are suffering from dementia but surely between the care inspectorate and health and social work a plan can be devised to reduce the risk to residents and staff
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