I want to see a stricter lock-down policy enforced on the population similar to China where residents were welded into their flats with only one door in and out manned 24/7 by armed security guards who need to seer your ID before going to the shops once week to buy food. This has to remain in place until there is no deaths from ANY disease or accidents for at least one month and every time there IS a death from ANY cause we immediately need to revert back to a strict lock-down to save more lives as our own lives are not important in order to protect others. The greater good must prevail. Vaccines when available need to also be made to be forcibly injected to those that refuse so they can accept the new normal and get out of lock-down to live their lives freely under the control of state surveillance technologies. Facial recognition, drones and CCTV and checkpoints.

Why the contribution is important

This policy would ensure maximum protection for the vulnerable population and the state can assume full control over the remaining population to keep us all 100% safe and secure for as long as it takes. Someones death is more important than someone living and giving up freedom for that would breed deep patriotism in the years ahead.

by codenamev on May 06, 2020 at 10:46AM

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