Clarity around exercising

We need more clarity around “exercising as close to home as you can”.

Please set an actual limit on this in miles from you front door that you can travel for exercise. For example in Ireland they are not allowed to travel more than 20km.

Setting clear limits will remove any grey areas where people may unintentionally breaks the rules.

Why the contribution is important

Setting clear limits will remove any grey areas where people may unintentionally breaks the rules.

by Djalaodbdld on May 11, 2020 at 07:59AM

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  • Posted by JuliaM May 11, 2020 at 10:30

    This may be too difficult to monitor unless the police go round tracing number plates.

    And those who push the boundaries, will always do (as we see in people travelling from Leicester to Snowdon when the mountain is closed at the moment).
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