Clarity needed on shielding dates

My employer is allowing me to work from home for 12 weeks as I am in the shielded category. My letter from Scottish Government advised stay at home from the day I received letter, this would be 23rd June. Scottish Government document states it is until 18th June. We also need clarity on if this date will be extended. I have been following guidance and stayed at home since I received the letter.

Why the contribution is important

Clarification is needed for both employers and employees, so that plans can be made for workplaces. It is also a scary prospect that I may be expected to be travelling on public transport for work journeys next month, after being at home since March. Clarification of plans for those in the shielded category is needed for peace of mind.

by Liz67869802 on May 08, 2020 at 10:46AM

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  • Posted by JakeC May 08, 2020 at 14:19

    The shielder group are still going to need protection when lock down ends as nothing has changed with regards to the virus. My husband is sheilding and I have astma, what happens when I have to go back to work ? He will be exposed to the virus everyday when I get home from work.
  • Posted by moray11 May 10, 2020 at 11:20

    Totally agree. I am currently shielding. My assumption is that this is likely to be extended but it would be helpful to have this clarified. Additionally it would be helpful for my employer to know what is happening
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