Clean up data reporting

The briefing provided by the government present data that are not comparable over time or hard to compare. For example,
-comparisons are made for data at start of lockdown and present day but the method of data gathering has changed - this is not highlighted enough.
-It doesn't make sense to measure benefits of social distancing on tests because the testing systems have changed.
-The way deaths have been reported has changed too.
-The figures provided by the government are for deaths where the person tested positive for COVID - but that doesn't mean COVID caused their unfortunate death.
Number of hospitalisations and cases in ICU are more helpful and can be tied into regional variations ideas.

Why the contribution is important

The data reporting gives a false picture and should be cleaned up to provide more honesty and transparency. I don't think the SG have done a good job in the way they have managed data during this crisis.

by Pragmatist on May 05, 2020 at 07:56PM

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  • Posted by lindyloo May 05, 2020 at 20:32

    Absolutely agree. I feel the same when it comes to review to end lockdown. Goalposts are constantly changing. It seems they have dug themselves into a hole with this lockdown and they dont know how to get out of it.
  • Posted by mg68 May 05, 2020 at 20:37

    It's a mess, everybody who has covid at time of death is a covid statistic even when other factors are involved in death.
  • Posted by Grannygoose May 05, 2020 at 23:18

    Clarity in statistical reporting is vital to ensure that we can review how this pandemic pans out in order to learn fro the experience.
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