Clearer advice for over-70s - Difference between vulnerable and shielded
I know several elderly people over 70 who are somehow convinced that they must stay indoors at all times, or else they might get into trouble or even be arrested by the police. Nothing I tell them can change their minds.
In fact there is no law against over-70's going outside for exercise like a short walk around the block. The advice as I understand it, is that over-70s can leave their homes under the same rules as everybody else, but that they should be particularly careful to maintain at least 2 metres distance from others, Only people with health conditions that the put them in the "shielded" category are advised to stay in their homes all the time.
Unless I have completely misunderstood this, can the Scottish Government please try to clarify the difference to as many elderly people as possible who may have been confining themselves indoors for 7 weeks unnecessarily, so that they feel free to go for a walk; before they lose all their mobility due to prolonged inactivity.
In fact there is no law against over-70's going outside for exercise like a short walk around the block. The advice as I understand it, is that over-70s can leave their homes under the same rules as everybody else, but that they should be particularly careful to maintain at least 2 metres distance from others, Only people with health conditions that the put them in the "shielded" category are advised to stay in their homes all the time.
Unless I have completely misunderstood this, can the Scottish Government please try to clarify the difference to as many elderly people as possible who may have been confining themselves indoors for 7 weeks unnecessarily, so that they feel free to go for a walk; before they lose all their mobility due to prolonged inactivity.
Why the contribution is important
Some over-70s appear to confine themselves indoors needlessly, to the detriment of their physical and mental health, because they mistake "vulnerable" for "shielded".
by Ro2 on May 11, 2020 at 03:58PM
Posted by harviej May 11, 2020 at 16:27
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