Close family visiting is vital

I feel that allowing visits to close relatives is vital and must be looked at really soon. People in general are clearly following the rules and therefore very unlikely to be carrying the virus. To allow visiting of parents/grandparents, unless particularly vulnerable, would make a massive difference for mental
health of isolated people and at the same time help bring a balance in relation to childcare and ability to get back to work

Why the contribution is important

This would help on so many fronts with very limited risk to the people concerned. It’s all a balance obviously but feel it’s time to loosen the restrictions slowly. This would be a small change to make that would have a lot of positive impacts.

by Eng39 on May 08, 2020 at 07:32AM

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  • Posted by iantait May 08, 2020 at 15:10

    You have to ask yourself if isolation means less people are infected then why has Scotlands death rate to Covid-19 risen to above 1800 a lot of fatalities from care homes. so a wee visit could be the worst thing we can do, this is now the seventh week so couple of weeks more to give this country a better chance to "Stall" this virus the less of an immediate impact on the general population, this pandemic is far from over. We all want it over but our Health Service and personal health comes first and foremost- but I do agree in a week or two we can start to gradually lift restrictions. If not we may waste all the good we have done and could overwhelm our hospitals and Great Nurses/ Carers.
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