Close non essential shops

There are far too many non essential shops open.
Only supermarkets and chemists should be open.
Non essential shops encourage people to go out and browse to relieve boredom.

Why the contribution is important

People see these shops open and decide to take a drive to them to pass an hour therefore coming into contact with others whom they wouldn’t have if the shops had not been open.
Supermarkets sell most things these days. There is no requirement for these places to be open.

by mfltch on May 11, 2020 at 05:37PM

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  • Posted by Responder19 May 11, 2020 at 18:05

    I agree that far too many places are open. People don't want to lose their jobs through companies going under but please don't put jobs before lives. And certainly not coffee shops - these should never have been allowed to remain open.
  • Posted by CathyBenson May 11, 2020 at 18:27

    I totally disagree that only supermarkets should be allowed to open. All food shops should be counted as essential - butchers, bakers, small corner grocers, fruit shops, fishmongers... I imagine that supermarkets are already making huge profits, whereas these small businesses would not survive if they had to close.. Moreover, I feel a lot safer going to these small shops than to supermarkets. The ones I go to are strict about social distancing - more than some supermarkets - and only allow one (or at most 2) people in at any given time.
    And for some people who are less mobile, it may be a lot easier to walk to a corner shop than get to a supermarket.

    (I've said elsewhere that bookshops should be allowed to open too, but that's perhaps a different issue)
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