Close of city centre roads to allow businesses outdoor soace

Closing off roads in the city centre will allow space for walking and cycling. This will allow safe social distance and allow pavements to be used by current businesses to trade outdoors e.g. Cafes and bars or shops gain temporary outdoor space to trade and distance customers.

Why the contribution is important

This allows safer social distancing and is a way to kick start the economy partially in a safe way.

by GraemeBrown on May 11, 2020 at 08:31AM

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Average rating: 4.7
Based on: 7 votes


  • Posted by JillPowlettBrown May 11, 2020 at 10:06

    I think this is an idea that is already being considered by SG ... as an example, Braid Road has been closed off to provide a safe walking and cycling route, and a one-way system has been put in place on Braidburn Terrace (there is already a TRO in place for this to happen, so it's an opportunity to see how it works.
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