Close roads in town centres for 3 hours a day

In small towns such as Kirriemuir, the small shops could only have 1 or 2 people in. This means anyone waiting to go in will block the narrow pavements.
If there was a plan in place to close the roads in (smaller) town centres for a few hours a day, then people could visit the shops whilst still socially distancing from one another.
This may also prove to be popular amonsgt shoppers and shopkeepers for the long term future.

Why the contribution is important

It is really important that our small businesses can open again. These aren't large corperations with large cash reserves, they are peoples' livelihoods.
However in older, smaller towns there isn't space for anyone to pass people queuing on pavements who are waiting to go into the shops. This would mean the shops couldn't safely open as peopl would have to walk on the roads.
If the roads were closed for just a few hours, the shops could safely open during that time.

by nentwistle on May 05, 2020 at 01:10PM

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