Close the border

England and Wales are likely to exit lockdown at a different rate with different requirements. Scotland should close the border to ensure competent management. In the early days of the pandemic a huge influx of people migrated to Scotland attempting to escape infection. This put people in tourist hot spots, cities and more rural areas at risk. If the lockdown is to be lifted at the same rate over the whole UK Scotland's causalities will sore with the same happening again. Scotland needs complete control over the pandemic within her borders and for it to not be disrupted by uncontrollable circumstances.

Why the contribution is important

It saves lives by reducing the number of potential infected entering the country. It reduces the chances of a large influx which require medical attention. It keeps our own NHS to the operational capabilities it has been designed to cope with.

by PatrickCampbell on May 06, 2020 at 02:39PM

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  • Posted by Colic3 May 06, 2020 at 17:08

    Hasnt Scotland got a higher R rate than the rest of the UK
  • Posted by Ginakeenan May 06, 2020 at 17:27

    Yes. Sooner the better!!
  • Posted by scotm9490 May 06, 2020 at 19:05

    What you are suggesting would separate families and loved ones who live in Scotland and the rest of the UK. This notion of closing borders is extremely selfish and more needs to be considered for the hundreds of Scots who would be impacted by such an act. As previously mentioned, the current R rate is high in Scotland already and there is no evidence to support your notion that people travelling from England and Wales have spread this. This is not and should not be turned into a political notion for UK separation!
  • Posted by Sandymac1 May 07, 2020 at 09:28

    Scot gov doesn't have the power to close the border between Scotland & England but there is no reason why the police cannot check movement inside the Scottish side, only allowing essential deliveries, any other movement should have authorisation from the Scot government. There would be more chance of spreading the disease if England were to lift the lockdown hence causing an influx into Scotland.
  • Posted by maggiea May 08, 2020 at 21:46

    I think this is extremely illogical. We are at a very different stage now than we were at the beginning of this pandemic when people were traveling to rural areas. People now need to be able to travel and ensure if they are traveling that they are doing it in as safe and a responsible way as possible (social distancing, staying at home if they have symptoms, hand sanitizer etc).

    Similarly, businesses need to have measures in place to ensure that any opportunity for transmission is as low as possible. And I believe this is doable. It would be incredibly drastic to simply close the border.

    It’s time to get past the whole ‘Scotland/England’ division and think of the wider picture - keeping families together, the economy, and working together.

    Tourism is one of Scotland’s main trades (and many, many people’s livelihoods depend on it). Closing the borders would only be detrimental to Scotland and the people who live here.
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