Close the borders

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We need to replicate countries which have been successful in managing the virus. Take New Zealand for example - an island who can comfortably say they have no infections so they are free within their own country. SCOTLAND could easily do the same. Block foreign travel and quarantine if necessary and block English borders. We can’t see their cases spread to us. We should be able to manage this with our relatively small population and vast land

Why the contribution is important

SCOTLAND needs to step up and use common sense to protect its people. The uk has been shambolic and this disaster was easy to predict. The uk was too slow, the herd immunity was flawed from the outset. Now the highest number of deathsin europe with hundreds of thousands of people impacted by the loss of family member.
Scotland - please do more to counter this virus. It is possible and we could then lift lockdown measures once we know we are all safe within our borders and infections are eradicated

by Lockdownisneeded on May 07, 2020 at 12:53AM

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