Closing roads for cyclists to ease burden on public transport

Close more roads for cyclists to use, ie, going to work ,or exercising. This idea would encourage people to cycle to work and ease congestion on public transport. Also encouraging less cycling on pavements, which would make it easier for pedestrians to walk on.It would also mean less cars on the road ,less pollution and a good way for going forward with climate change policies.

Why the contribution is important

This idea is important , because it eases congestion, stops pollution and makes people healthier.

by mcgeok on May 05, 2020 at 04:51PM

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  • Posted by kimjin May 05, 2020 at 19:55

    Have cyclists no shame!?! Hanging their absurd and selfish politics onto a public health crisis.
  • Posted by tacituskillgoree May 06, 2020 at 19:22

    They really don't have any shame, this is pathetic. Cyclists are super spreaders.
  • Posted by JohnED May 11, 2020 at 19:10

    Seville has shown what can be done very quickly. However the current Traffic Regulation Order makes the process of consulting on cycling infrastructure extremely costly and laborious for local authorities. The £10 million emergency funding provided is welcomed, as well as the additional money pledge each year. However the money provided by the Scottish Government on Cycling infrastructure is less than it cost to build 1 mile of the M74 extension.

    Real investment is required to build a joined up safe segregated network in our towns and cities. Our climate is similar to that of Amsterdam, Copenhagen and Utrecht. It is not the weather or lack of hills that encourages people to cycle in these countries, but the quality of cycling infrastructure available to them.

    With almost 50% of households in Scotland not having access to a motor vehicle is is our moral duty to enable them to get around safely. As not everyone can cycle, public transport must be available to them to safely travel on. To enable this more people need to walk and cycle.

    By moving space from cars to active travel we reduce pollution and enable our towns and cities to become more livable.
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