Co-isolate with (x) households

Let us visit with non-shielding friends and relatives as part of a phased return to normal life.

In-person human contact is essential for the mental health of many people, and can be one of the toughest aspects of lockdown.

People are by and large on board with the shutdown of public spaces, and it is becoming apparent that these will be one of the last facilities to reopen due to the possibility of cross-infection. Travelling to see friends also increases the risk in society at large but by a vastly lower amount. As the virus declines, and with sensible guidelines, this could be introduced as a proportionate way of allowing people to socialise again while keeping high-risk public spaces closed.

This could work by nominating (x) number of households that each household co-isolates with, or, it could work by limiting socialising to Fri-Sun and only with (x) other households on any given weekend. Either of these allows a degree of control and ability to test and trace in the event of an outbreak.

Why the contribution is important

Mental health, social cohesion, ongoing public engagement with lockdown.

by Bungle on May 06, 2020 at 12:20PM

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