Common Sense
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I do strongly believe that guidelines should be set out by the government as some people really do need to know what is expected of them and why, however I also believe that common sense is required in certain situation especially when it comes to meeting up with family and friends.
It really confused me that we can stand the 2 meter apart in a queue to get our shopping and even to visit the hardware store however family can come for a cup of tea in the garden,keeping to the social distancing rules. This is when common sense comes into play. if this family member was not having to come into contact with others to make this journey (such as stop for petrol) then really when is the logic between the two.
Of coarse we will have others that will exploit this and try and have big family parties BBQs ECT but they the idiots that are probably currently doing this at present.
If family member have been isolating as well and have had no illness then maybe immediate family should be given the permission to meet up or get assistance from such family members.
It really confused me that we can stand the 2 meter apart in a queue to get our shopping and even to visit the hardware store however family can come for a cup of tea in the garden,keeping to the social distancing rules. This is when common sense comes into play. if this family member was not having to come into contact with others to make this journey (such as stop for petrol) then really when is the logic between the two.
Of coarse we will have others that will exploit this and try and have big family parties BBQs ECT but they the idiots that are probably currently doing this at present.
If family member have been isolating as well and have had no illness then maybe immediate family should be given the permission to meet up or get assistance from such family members.
Why the contribution is important
The reason why this is important is personal to me but I am sure there are many more people in a similar situation.
I am 38 weeks pregnant, before lock down was put in place myself and partner decided I would move in with my parents as they live in a house with a garden middle aged with no health issues and my partner is a HGV driver so a key worker that works away during the week. So this was to ensure I would not be alone.
My parents are currently not working and again this was a deciding factor for me to move down here other wise I would of had a lovley 8 weeks in a flat on my own.
I am going into hospital on the 18th May to be induced and have been told today that I will go into the hospital then alone and not leave until the baby is here, a very scary situation to be going through alone. Child birth in itself is a very scary time in itself..... plus the risk of contracting this virus im sure is higher in a hospital that anywhere else.
My partner will not be with me through any of the child birth and due to being a key worker and strict rules in place will now not see me or the baby until we leave the hospital. My mum with be my birthing partner but will not be allowed in until established labour so could be days after I am admitted and due to the restriction the hospital is miles away from home so is she even going to make it at all????
Here's my dilemma I have the baby and my partner then gets one week off work. He needs to bond with the baby so I must return hone to do this but then I am on my own after this week in a flat first time mum. Do i return to my parents house as they have still be self isolating and then this means the baby is not in her own surroundings however does that over pass being on my own.
It is all a bit much to know what to do for the best and not breaking current rules however I am not silly and would like to think once the time comes I can use my common sense to make the correct decision.
I am 38 weeks pregnant, before lock down was put in place myself and partner decided I would move in with my parents as they live in a house with a garden middle aged with no health issues and my partner is a HGV driver so a key worker that works away during the week. So this was to ensure I would not be alone.
My parents are currently not working and again this was a deciding factor for me to move down here other wise I would of had a lovley 8 weeks in a flat on my own.
I am going into hospital on the 18th May to be induced and have been told today that I will go into the hospital then alone and not leave until the baby is here, a very scary situation to be going through alone. Child birth in itself is a very scary time in itself..... plus the risk of contracting this virus im sure is higher in a hospital that anywhere else.
My partner will not be with me through any of the child birth and due to being a key worker and strict rules in place will now not see me or the baby until we leave the hospital. My mum with be my birthing partner but will not be allowed in until established labour so could be days after I am admitted and due to the restriction the hospital is miles away from home so is she even going to make it at all????
Here's my dilemma I have the baby and my partner then gets one week off work. He needs to bond with the baby so I must return hone to do this but then I am on my own after this week in a flat first time mum. Do i return to my parents house as they have still be self isolating and then this means the baby is not in her own surroundings however does that over pass being on my own.
It is all a bit much to know what to do for the best and not breaking current rules however I am not silly and would like to think once the time comes I can use my common sense to make the correct decision.
by StephanieM on May 07, 2020 at 01:08PM
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