Common sense, clarity and enforcement

I agree wholeheartedly with the instruction to stay at home. But it would be nice to have some reassurance that enforcement incorporates common sense.

My parents are 70+ and 80+, both fit, healthy and normally very socially and culturally active, so the lockdown is having a huge impact on them. However, they are complying.
I would like to suggest that it is both safer, and better for their mental health, for them to get into their car (which is parked on their property on the edge of a highland village), drive 3 miles to a beach, park in a wide open space, and walk on the vast sands without seeing another soul....
... than walking across the road to a woodland path (every single day) where the whole village, their children and their dogs are taking their daily exercise.

They worry that they will be stopped by the police and/or incur disapproval from neighbours and others they may encounter.

They are protecting themselves and others, not putting anyone at risk. And yet, strictly speaking, they are flouting. There has to be another way.

Why the contribution is important

It is so important that people comply in order to reduce the possibility of infection, but it is possible to keep this possibility to zero by behaving in a responsible and reasonable way. It’s far worse to be theoretically sticking to the guidance by doing “essential” trips to the supermarket every other day.

by MrsShort on May 08, 2020 at 08:25AM

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