Common sense meetings of friends and family

At present I can walk as exercise for an hour each day so technically a close friend or family member can walk the same route at a 2 metre distance and we can chat but I cant go and sit in their garden or they cant sit in mine's and chat at safe distance. There are many more scenarios like this where it would be perfectly safe to have the company of close friends or family in a very small group.

I like the majority of Scottish people have stuck religiously to the lockdown rules and completely agree it was necessary however more and more people are breaking the rules and I understand this as they are not seeing an end in sight. Some of the rule breaking is perfectly safe such as the garden scenario and other rule breaking is complete stupidity and those in that category will break the rules no.matter what they are. The majority of people that have demonstrated compliance should be trusted to take a common sense approach going forward and therefore I believe there must be a relaxation on the rules for contact with family and friends albeit whilst maintaining strict social distancing.

I have to go to work in my office for the NHS and sit 2 metres apart from other team members for 8 hours a day but I am not allowed to sit outdoors in the garden and chat to a friend or small family group.. Common sense needs to prevail as soon as possible if the Scottish Government wants to maintain the cooperation and respect of the people of Scotland.

Why the contribution is important

The lockdown is starting to have an adverse affect on the Mental Health and wellbeing of all ages of people who are adhering to the strict measures of only being with those within your household with too many reasons to.list.

People are starting to feel dictated to and that they cant be trusted to use common sense therefore serious consideration needs to be taken to allowing people to use their own discretion but still having strict social distancing and maximum group number rules which are still enforced by Police Scotland.

by naismithg1 on May 05, 2020 at 11:36PM

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  • Posted by Shannon May 06, 2020 at 09:05

    This is a nice step forward. I totally agree that the majority of the public are compliant and should be trusted to make sensible decisions.
    Being treated like mushrooms (kept in the dark) is creating social unrest and will lead to people taking risks.
  • Posted by Scownie May 06, 2020 at 09:08

    I completely agree! I live on my own and am retired so under current lockdown rules I am completely isolated. I see no reason why people living alone shouldn’t be allowed to meet a friend or family member outside for a walk or a cycle provided they stay 2m apart. Also if you and your partner live apart you should be allowed to visit each other and treated as being part of the same household.
  • Posted by Frances May 06, 2020 at 09:46

    I agree. If you can stand in a queue 2 m apart then I don’t see why you can’t sit 2 m apart in own garden to see children and grandchildren or parents . It would benefit the mental health of all involved
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