Communicate long distancing protocols

It's widely reported social distancing will be needed until we have treatment or a vaccination. A vaccination may never come.

I would really appreciate some clarity on what

I.e. will the 2 metre rule/keeping away from strangers / working from home / not travelling be in place until we have a vaccine. Which could be 18 months or we might never get one ...
Will life go back to some kind of normality with Test Trace Isolate, the 2 metre rule will be scaled back as the numbers decrease but large events like music festivals etc be banned until there's a vaccine.

I think some clarity here is needed. People need to know how long we will be living under these odd social constraints. I worry for the impact of mental health and child social development

Why the contribution is important

People need clarity. As social animals humans aren't built for this extended isolation

by Lstewart on May 09, 2020 at 10:18PM

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  • Posted by scottie234 May 10, 2020 at 09:05

    I definitely think it's the uncertainty that's causing people problems. You cannot think forward, make plans, just enjoy the normal anticipation of what is to come. I don't think those at the helm have any idea of how to move forward and they need to realise that we have the ability to make decisions too.
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