Compulsary use of facemasks

When outdoors facemasks must be worn, this should not be voluntary but made compulsory

Why the contribution is important

Facemasks will help reduce the spread of the Coronavirus especially if everyone is complying with it.

by normanfwallace on May 11, 2020 at 09:31AM

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Based on: 12 votes


  • Posted by DLRiley May 11, 2020 at 09:37

    There seems to be good evidence that face masks can help reduce transmission from you to others, therefore, for facemasks to be effective, everyone needs to wear them.
    Home made, re-useable ones can be effective. They need to be washed regularly so everyone would need a few spare ones.
  • Posted by KMR May 11, 2020 at 09:44

    My own view is that a barrier of some sort whether it be a mask, scarf, buff, tissue or any sort of face covering, is better than no barrier.

    However caveat being that we do not try to buy masks which are needed by NHS and that there are enough for front line workers.
  • Posted by DaveinEdinburgh May 11, 2020 at 10:23

    I completely agree here.

    Wearing masks must be made mandatory, not optional as is currently. Far too few people are wearing them in supermarkets etc. under the current 'advisory' model.
  • Posted by underwood May 11, 2020 at 11:58

    Compulsory wearing of face masks on public transport, in shops and anywhere else social distancing may be compromised is essential but not generally out of doors. Simple/clear rules required.
  • Posted by JMack May 11, 2020 at 12:32

    I know that the benefits of face coverings/masks are disputed, but they are increasingly being used by countries coming out of lockdown in Europe, and their use is already prevalent in Asia. I believe that, to be effective in mitigating the spread of droplets from sneezes, coughs and breaths, their use in a population needs to be more or less universal. So, I would urge that the current recommendation to consider wearing a face covering in potentially crowded or busy situations like shops and public transport should be toughened up to mandatory status, with the customary range of enforcement provisions.
    Why the contribution is important
    I think that the wearing of face coverings/masks in appropriate situations is important because:

    1. It is beneficial in preventing the spread of the virus.
    2. It will publicly and visibly reinforce community commitment to a disciplined approach to emerging from the crisis.
    3. It will be acknowledged by the our neighbours in Europe and the wider World as a reassurance that we are taking the threats of a "second wave" seriously and responsibly.
  • Posted by dms68 May 11, 2020 at 12:59

    I agree that face masks should be worn in places where there are a lot of people around...not in wide open spaces though please! Any chance we can have a standardised quality mark for a face mask. I don't know what constitutes an effective face covering and what doesn't. I know the public does not need the level of mask required for medical or care staff, but what is appropriate for 'normal' use?
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