Compulsory one way system in small food retail stores.

Every shift I work I witness many people failing to comply with social distancing measures. Supermarkets have been following government advice by hanging posters, notifying customers to remain a safe distance however, many do not follow this. Therefore, compulsory one way systems should be implemented.

Why the contribution is important

This will ensure that customers, especially those who are vulnerable and members of staff remain safe. This will also ease stress and worry of catching infection for retail workers who live at home with others. A one way system will also allow staff minimal interaction with customers as customers will be less likely to ask where products are as they are able to go around the entire store.

by brennamiller on May 05, 2020 at 08:34PM

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  • Posted by PaulWG May 05, 2020 at 21:04

    Not practical. Both our local stores have three aisles, so you have to double back.
    This is one place (along with public transport) where face coverings will be only solution to assist social distancing.
  • Posted by Alan May 05, 2020 at 21:04

    Fully agree.
    And to take it a step further force supermarkets to remove all the additional baskets/displays to give more space.
  • Posted by JWatsDoune May 05, 2020 at 21:44

    They should do what Waitrose is doing so well; a limited number of trolleys in operation so there can only be a limited number of people in the shop at one time. Never used to shop there, but will be only place will shop now as the social distancing measures they are taking is excellent
  • Posted by jamiehamy May 05, 2020 at 21:55

    Pointless. This is in operation in a local small store and it achieved nothing. It's impractical and in reality, doesn't reduce contact at all (one needs to watch to udnerstand!)
  • Posted by Anna May 06, 2020 at 01:37

    Small stores Or ones with narrow aisles should have a counter at the entrance. Many small stores have inadequate ventilation so virus Levels could build up during the day. Continue with ability to phone in an order and collect.
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