Compulsory tests and registrar for Cyclists

Tests should be introduced for cyclists to promote safety and awareness. Since the lockdown the number of cyclists has increased, many on the pavements, and also many speeding down country paths with disregard to walkers (often with small children) and dogs.

Additionally when on the roads they often ride abreast.
Drivers have to take avoiding action as apparently cyclists believe they have priority. Bike registration should also be considered so that cyclists can be held responsible for their actions.

Why the contribution is important

I know several older people who are now sacred to take their daily walk as they have been narrowly missed by speeding cyclists. Also they have had to step on the road as a cyclist has been on the pavement; or not dismounted at a pedestrian crossing ( which should be self explanatory).
I think my idea is important as current rules do not cover the amount of cyclists without experience and, or manners that have increased at this point in time.
If there was a compulsory test it would help educate new (and old) cyclists, and bring about safer and more pleasant outdoor experiences for everyone.
Bike registration (like car registration) would perhaps discourage those who cycle with disregard to the Highway Code. common sense or conscience.

by JamieMacKenzie on May 06, 2020 at 05:57PM

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  • Posted by JohnMorton May 09, 2020 at 12:18

    Agree, having just returned from our daily exercise which includes country lane and town pavement routes it is obvious that cyclists are too engrossed in themselves. They never social distance when passing you , it would be easy to touch them but if you say anything it is your fault. It is about time they paid a licence fee for cycling, motorists pay to use the road so cyclists should as well.

    I understand that cycling is good for you, but so are golf, fishing etc. which are far easier to social distance. Lockdown is to protect the NHS but who is more liable to land in hospital and put a strain on NHS resources, cyclists or golfers? So why is the a Government pushing it so much?

  • Posted by JSAvoch May 11, 2020 at 18:06

    Hello Jamie. It may interest you to know that it is ok to ride two abreast in most circumstances. This is from the Highway Code (Rule 66):

    You should never ride more than two abreast....

    This atricle may help you understand why drivers who happen to be on bikes may do that: https://www.cyclingweekly.c[…]e-middle-of-the-road-308675

    People who happen to be on bikes pay for the roads through their council tax, as do people who happen to be in cars or vans. Also people who choose to travel by bike save the NHS a fortune as the health benefits far outweigh any costs caused by drivers hitting them.

    No cyclist wants to hit you, as unlike hitting a pedestrian in a car, the cyclist is sure to be physically injured. That is one of the reasons why the number of injuries caused per 1000 miles by people who happen to be on bikes is far lower than that of people who happen to be in cars.

    Is there any reason why you fear bikes so much when cars, vans etc are statistically far more likely to do you damage?

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