Consider the impact on School Aged Childcare

It sounds like there is the potential for a phased return to school and or a timetable to be put in place when children are to attend to support social distancing etc. In order for families to go back to work, there will need to be consultation and consideration of the out of school care sector. It would be good to see a group of key individuals that could support this work brought together to consider this work.

Why the contribution is important

It is highly likely that this group of childcare services will need to redesign their full service operations to accommodate any model that is likely to be put in place. So, as much notice as possible would be greatly appreciated.

by GaryP on May 07, 2020 at 08:19AM

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  • Posted by JLaw May 07, 2020 at 09:46

    This is an important idea. I hope this is already being considered by Scottish Government along with the re-opening of schools. Out of School Care organisations should be involved in helping to prepare the way.
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