Consider those with no access to a car

I completely understand and support the need to minimise public transport use but when considering the rules please at least take into account people like myself who do not drive and live alone so do not have access to a vehicle. I live in a fairly rural area and in normal day to day life I rely heavily on public transport for work travel and to travel to the nearest city/town to access goods and services. If you allow businesses to reopen but have a blanket ban on public transport other than for essential travel/key workers people like myself (which will include a lot of people with disabilities) may be disadvantaged.

Something like “essential travel for work, caring responsibilities or to access goods/services where the individual has no other viable means of travel” and/or insisting any non key-worker/work related travel restricted to once a week and off peak to maximise physical distancing would really help and ensure fair access for all.

Why the contribution is important

It is important when the time is right to lift restrictions that as far as possible everyone is able to access goods and services regardless of their location, disability or family circumstances. Blanket bans on public transport use that don’t take into account those without access to a vehicle would risk unfairly penalising people already significantly impacted by the isolation of lockdown.

by Elliesun23 on May 09, 2020 at 02:41PM

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  • Posted by Balderdash May 09, 2020 at 15:36

    I agree. Many people rely on public transport, not to mention to long term environmental effects / congestion if everyone gets in their cars for every journey
  • Posted by Annescotlass May 09, 2020 at 16:21

    I agree some areas really need their transport links. However, bus/train companies must be prepared to have hand gel, to clean the transport daily and allow for social distancing so some seats need to be ‘ out of use’. Not keen on enforcement of face coverings but public transport might be one area for this.
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