Consistent homeschooling

Currently the levels of home schooling differ from area to area with many children having little to none school work done. Some of this is partly because of parents with no time and some because some children don't have access to tablets/pc's etc.
There should be a set of criteria that needs to be met with virtual classrooms 3 hours a day. This would be 2 hours in the morning and 1 in the afternoon with an exercise perhaps to be completed.
To rectify the infrastructure then the government could look at a means tested grant similar to school uniform grants where an inexpensive tablet (Kindle Fire for example) is provided to poorer children to allow them access to the online classrooms.

Why the contribution is important

This will prevent our children falling further behind but also provide a sense of structure to the day which helps with their mental wellbeing.
It will ease the pressure on many parents who are perhaps also working from home as well

by StuartK5871 on May 11, 2020 at 10:35AM

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  • Posted by sconnor May 11, 2020 at 12:17

    The Scottish Government should be ensuring that schools and teachers are providing a consistent approach to supporting parents to home school.

    The delivery of lessons should be uniform and consistent across all schools.
  • Posted by Zephyrina May 11, 2020 at 12:33

    My children haven’t had much access to the digital learning provided by the school due to not having their own tablets/laptops that are new enough to access the apps and sites required so resort to using my phone but between 3 kids at school and using it myself this isn’t easy. Some sort of provision to access the resources would be a great help but even so I have been teaching them myself via other means so they have still been learning.
  • Posted by Shirleysharpe May 11, 2020 at 12:42

    Totally agree with this. Even if it is at a basic level it would provide consistency across Scotland and a starting point for when 'normality' returns. It would also be less demoralising for people with fewer facilities or options available to them to maintain some semblance of progress.
  • Posted by GTrotter May 11, 2020 at 21:19

    For primary pupils could a daily class of 30 mins be streamed on YouTube for each primary. Maths & English.
    Individual schools could continue their own methods in addition to this.
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