Construction an haulage
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We need to restart construction and haulage it is one of the easier ones to restart. Building sites can manage starting with social distancing in place wipes staggered trades etc. This would allow haulage to restart too so getting the country regoing again. Haulage drivers are in their trucks the majority of the time so can also easily distance themselves they are in a truck so don't have contact with anyone throughout the day, they can for the most part be in the same truck day in day out but can cleanse them at the start and end of the day minimising most of the risk of infection.
Why the contribution is important
We are all aware of how many people and loved ones we have lost but we are going to lose more from suicide if we don't restart businesses that can operate within safe distance practices. Standing in line at a supermarket has more risks than someone driving in a truck without getting out unless necessary. We also know that construction is one of the sectors that will help to restart the country then in turn restart the rest.
by Kookaburra71 on May 07, 2020 at 07:49AM
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