Construction companies

Construction companies should be allowed to open urgently to protect jobs. On Reporting Scotland tonight the First Minister was asked why Scottish building sites were different to those in England and was totally unable to give any reasons.

Why the contribution is important


by Andrew on May 05, 2020 at 06:58PM

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  • Posted by Pandamamma May 05, 2020 at 19:46

    The government needs to consider the fact that stopping construction in Scotland is not just affecting construction companies, but also the professional services organisations like engineers and architects that rely on the construction activity, as well as all the small organisations providing materials or labour on site
  • Posted by MM1592 May 05, 2020 at 21:12

    Large sites are like breeding sites for the virus, only small sites should be allowed to reopen.
  • Posted by ChicP May 05, 2020 at 22:13

    Could building sites really guarantee social distancing?

    All construction workers are very familiar with various PPE which they normally have to use at work. They are also very familiar with normal site rules & regulations for Health & Safety.

    The question has to be, “Can this work environment guarantee Social Distancing?”

    If it can, then it could go ahead.
    Otherwise, it can’t.
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