Construction sites

Guidance is required to enable some construction work to recommence
We can easily comply with social distancing, health, safety and welfare regulations as all of work is carried out outwith customers homes , effectively in there gardens. As long as we are vigilant especially when deliveries etc. are being made we can work safely so we could get back to work and stop claiming furlough funds
Ronnie Shepherd

Why the contribution is important

To get people back to work

by Ronniebonnie1953 on May 08, 2020 at 11:09AM

Current Rating

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Based on: 12 votes


  • Posted by Wulan19 May 08, 2020 at 12:42

    Need to prioritise the economy rather than social freedoms, get those that work mainly outdoors back to work as a early step in easing restrictions. No canteens, masks, random testing, and distancing as much as possible as workplace rules. Get the roadworks done too while roads are quite.
  • Posted by Fmaher May 08, 2020 at 13:10

    Get the Construction industry going again with guidance and help from the government, social distancing and safe working practices are more easily implemented outdoors so reducing the risk factor of spreading the virus.
  • Posted by miaod1111 May 08, 2020 at 13:14

    Agreed. Especially as social distancing measures are likely to be in place until a vaccine is found, more specific guidance should be given to this sector rather than take the easy route of a blanket ban on everyone.
  • Posted by CompanyOwner11 May 08, 2020 at 13:39

    Agreed. It is clear that social distancing is going to be the norm for some time. Construction sites and home improvement tradespeople should be allowed to work if homeowners want them to and the employees follow social distancing.
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