Contact tracing App

Why don't we just use the app that has already been created by Westminster and is currently being trialled in Isle of Wight? It seems more advanced. I don't understand the need for Scotland to always have to do something different and waste money reinventing the wheel. This is a global pandemic and we should all be working together. This is no time for partisan politics.

Why the contribution is important

We need to be working together as a nation, not trying to score political points.

by HelenO on May 05, 2020 at 02:11PM

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  • Posted by jriddell May 06, 2020 at 11:24

    The NHS England app does not use best practice. It is not open source so we can not review it is best practice. It uses a centralised database creating a priavy infringement accessible to a government with a previous record of breaking the law in this area.

    It would be better to share the source code with apps from other countries which use best practice security and privacy.
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