Contain by Area

Stock all shops to the max. Food parcel every home.
Close the Scottish Border, also Close each City, Town & Village. No going outside. If there are no new cases in 2 weeks in a certain area. Lift that areas lock down. Open each area with others that have no Virus. Eventually we can just contain area by area or house by house.
Major fine or Prison to those who break the rules. Shame them for causing further lockdown time.
People can soon return to work, airports can open with like controlled cities.
Less need for PPE in Virus Free areas.

Why the contribution is important

Lives will be saved!
Free’s up important PPE.
The Economy can start to recover quicker.

by MikeErskine on May 11, 2020 at 08:40PM

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Based on: 5 votes


  • Posted by peterbrownbarra May 11, 2020 at 21:47

    I do agree with the idea of "cleansing" an area then moving on to the next area. I think eradication will not be possible overnight, so logical to start in areas with low population and negligible through traffic, like islands and coastal villages, gradually moving towards more populated centres.
  • Posted by Ideas81 May 11, 2020 at 21:57

    Impractical as key workers need to travel between their homes and work
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