Continue Job Retention for industries that need to remain closed for longer

The Job Retention Scheme has been a lifesaver for those fortunate to have been furloughed by their employer where they might have otherwise been paid off. With arts, entertainment, hospitality, hairdressers and beauticians unlikely to be able for some months to come, support is needed for those employed in these sectors.

Why the contribution is important

These sectors need to bounce back as quickly as possible and they no doubt will but only with a solid, skilled workforce. Making current staff redundant could cripple businesses cash reserves leaving them little resource for rehiring on opening. The government needs to support these businesses for as long as they are needed to remain closed and keep all staff on the books.

by Laura on May 05, 2020 at 09:57PM

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  • Posted by lindyloo May 05, 2020 at 22:09

    Agree with you. Even when business does start to open up if they have to adhere to social distancing then the employer may not be able to have everyone back working at once. Plus even though cafes, hairdressers etc open some people may not feel safe going out.
  • Posted by murrayme8 May 05, 2020 at 23:11

    Definitely at least people still have jobs and will be more safe when they return I’ve already got my husband on the frontline I’m petrified
  • Posted by FraochL May 05, 2020 at 23:33

    Sorry but propping up industries that need to change for the climate emergency but have been doing nothing (like the airlines) yet still creaming off billions is not the best use of our taxes and encourages people to think we can go back to living that way. Support local, small business and those that support our essential needs. Then look at repurposing skills into other areas to increase resilience/sustainability, not prop up an economic model that was about collapsing anyway. How many airlines objected to Flybe being supported are now complaining they are not being bailed out?
  • Posted by Caroline2121 May 06, 2020 at 07:50

    Small business support is vital especially as new restrictions could seriously damage sustainability
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