Cover for people at risk from covid

People with respiratory issues or compromised immune systems may not be on the "shield list" or fit the legal definition of disabled but are still very much at risk of Westminster drops the furlough scheme, can the Scottish government please give these vulnerable people consideration as this may be life and death for them.

Why the contribution is important

People who are at risk from covid complications need help from the Scottish government if Westminster abandons the furlough scheme as they are threatening to do.

by frownline on May 06, 2020 at 03:37PM

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  • Posted by Villager1 May 06, 2020 at 16:12

    if these persons are so ill they should not be in workplace at all.
  • Posted by vonfw May 06, 2020 at 17:51

    @Villager1 i have scarring on the lung due to having had tb years ago, I am not ill, but if i get a chest infection i have to be very careful or end up with pneumonia, if i happen to catch this virus it could be fatal, not everyone with a lung condition is ill !!
    I was also told at start of this that i was high risk and to shield by dr, now i'm told i am high risk but not exremely high risk, this dr thought i should shield but government guidelines now say only extreme conditions to shield.
    Very very confusing, do i stop shielding and go back to work knowing if i pick up the virus it could be fatal?
  • Posted by granny May 06, 2020 at 23:23

    Would think that anyone who is in an at risk group should be furloughed until it is safe to return to work . This is about saving life not ending those at risks life . This Virus is not a common cold !
  • Posted by Outdoorfamily May 07, 2020 at 09:59

    @villager1 I have lung damage following exposure to mould spores which left me asthmatic. On a normal day, I am fit and healthy.. But get a cold and I'm wiped out seriously ill for 3 weeks!

    There does need to be more protection for people like us who are more likely to become seriously ill from this virus.. Especially when you factor in how many people think like villager1 above who dismiss out health and Concerns out of hand
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