Create a Covid Safety Standard for Employers

In the same way as a business can gain a Quality or Environment accreditation, introduce a standard that can be defined (to give clear guidance on expectations), implemented (before employees over a certain number can return to an environment) and be audited against. There may be a need for self audit in the short term and this can be randomly validated by an independent inspector.

Why the contribution is important

A Covid Standard will give employees reassurance about the safety of their workplace and give employers a guideline to work to. This will drive best practice deployment, sharing of ideas, employee engagement and clarity.

by IanW on May 06, 2020 at 12:05PM

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  • Posted by borisj May 06, 2020 at 14:53

    If we were talking about cancer causing fumes or substances the workplace requirement is to prevent exposure as far as possible, not reasonably possible (ie on the cheap), but as far as possible.
    Coronavirus has killed more than 30000 people in two months in the UK, so it certainly is as deadly as cancer.
    There is no social distancing or PPE regulation short of a biohazard suit that can ensure people are not infected by coronvirus, so there is no "safe" method of work which doesn't involve isolation (ie working from home). Why should I be safer than anyone else, just because I have an admin job and I can do it from home ?
    There is risk in everything, but here the risk is to everyone, and anyone can become a fatality although there are groups that suffer that fate more often.

    I won't feel safe going to work in my office until I can be sure there is no-one there who can infect me coronavirus. That's a safe place of work.
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