Cricket Scotland

Non-elite cricket in the eastern/western division of Scotland should be allowed. This is because there is no mass gatherings and only 2 teams will play the sport (22 individuals standing > than 2 metres apart). Social distancing measures and other controls can be in place to ensure safety of those involved. This will benefit the health & wellbeing of individuals as also mental well being. This is not a pro level sporting activity.

Why the contribution is important

This will benefit the health & wellbeing of individuals as also their mental well being.

by AmitPoni on May 05, 2020 at 01:32PM

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Based on: 8 votes


  • Posted by DevVeh May 05, 2020 at 19:36

    I find these leauges are as much about the social as the sport
  • Posted by andrewtlloyd May 06, 2020 at 13:47

    Completely agree that amateur/social cricket can easily be achieved without compromising social distancing. As a batsman, I also like the idea of the slips being more than 2m apart!

    Players would probably need to come dressed for play as the changing rooms would be an issue. Similarly, the tea room would have to be swapped for an al fresco, socially distanced picnic.

    I do agree that this is just as much about mental well-being (via human interaction/banter/bonding) as it is about physical exercise.
  • Posted by shazzaem May 06, 2020 at 21:46

    Couldn’t agree more. Training should start immediately then matches to follow. So important for mental and physical well-being and non contact so easy to socially distance. Agree, outdoor tea is fine too and possibly not sharing cars to matches. Don’t see why club matches, district matches and international matches (eg Scotland u15) cant be played as long as spectators and players, when not on the pitch, keep apart by an appropriate distance.
  • Posted by AJW May 10, 2020 at 16:20

    Outdoor training should resume: of all places a large cricket field with a few training has ample space. Teenagers’ development means they need to acquire and retain skills which if not done may never be fully achieved. Cricket Scotland could develop guidance for socially distanced training to keep essential skills in hand.
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