Daily Briefings

I would like to suggest that as part of the First Ministers Daily Briefings that consideration is given to the use of graphics with a view to

- communicate the key messages and reinforce key points
- share the numbers and trends visually - daily and over a period of time
- assist the signers / viewers with hearing impairments
- continue to build and maintain collective effort and commitment

Why the contribution is important

The First Minister and her team are communicating complex and at times subtle points - doing this verbally only is limiting as people cannot retain all essential points and given the duration of many months the different needs of the population should be considered. Some people are visual , some are auditory learners but think evidence shows combination works best. The SG does use mixed Comms in other media and documents.

by Jane on May 05, 2020 at 01:39PM

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  • Posted by BBL May 05, 2020 at 15:12

    I listen to briefings on the radio. I also find the website useful.
  • Posted by evrydyim May 05, 2020 at 17:00

    Great point. I'd like to ask - how are people still getting sick? Information on where / when it was contracted may help on-going compliance.
  • Posted by Kylesku May 05, 2020 at 21:50

    The Daily Briefing need to change from trying to terrfy the population so that they will willingly accept without question any government policy to an Information Sharing briefing where facts are shared without all the emotional trappings that we get from Sturgeon. There are probably more searching queestions asked in a government press conference in North Korea than in Edinburgh these days. Sad times.

    We should be given facts & allowed to make decisions ourselves.
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