Daily Exercise - various daily activities

I dont agree with the Welsh proposition that there should be 2 exercise sessions a day allowed. One is enough. BUT I would allow this to be as long as people need it to be. People who dont exercise regularly will find around 30 minutes to be enough or even an hour. I am 74 and I exercise every day using my local gym and nearby hills - both currently not available to me. I need 2 hours a day even with doing some weights at home and really 3 hours is more reasonable. After that I dont need more exercise, I have done my bit!!


My local hills are 21 miles away; I should like to be able to drive there very carefully of course. I dont need to go further afield, I can manage with just the Ochils for some time ahead.

There is a need to stress the responsibilities that people have when exercising such as

1. giving people a wide berth when outdoors as the droplets can travel further

2. TELL CYCLISTS to SLOW DOWN when passing pedestrians!!

3. Follow the country code and the SOAC

I am happy for golf courses to be open as long as social distancing is followed but not club houses; I dont play golf but can see that for some this would help them to cope with other restrictions.

Allotments MUST be open and accessible, we need people to grow food and get satisfaction from it.

Bowling - should not be restarted, there is too much close contact

Why the contribution is important

Exercise is important for health and well being. In my case, I need daily exercise as I have had osteoarthritis for 35 years and I need to keep muscles strong to support my joints to perhaps manage to avoid expensive surgery. I get out of breath and this helps my CV system so again that saves on NHS expense. Many people are in similar situations.

Exercise, particularly in the outdoors, is good for mental health; there are masses of scientific papers that support this too.

by biologist on May 10, 2020 at 10:57AM

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