Define ‘Household’

We need clearer guidance as to what constitutes as a ‘household’ and allowances need to be made for single-person households to meet others who are also from a single person household to go for walks etc. This is important for mental health and well being. Further guidance needs to be given to those who fall outside traditional ‘households’. The restrictions are having a severe effect on relationships - a fundamental right of people and of those of us who fall outside of marital family homes. Especially to those of us who have been complying within the ambiguous term of ‘household’.

Why the contribution is important

It will relieve the pressure and uncertainty of relationships outside of the marital home. It will help with avoiding severe mental health issues and well-being issues. It will also be inclusive of all people from various ‘households’ to better follow the rules to avoid taking risks.

by LReed994 on May 05, 2020 at 01:26PM

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  • Posted by mairi May 05, 2020 at 16:49

    My sister and I both live alone, about a 30 minute walk from each other. It's very hard to go from seeing each other once a week to not seeing each other for months on end. Particularly when we pose very little threat to each other's safety. The same often goes for people's partners.

    We didn't have the option of moving in together as we need space to work from home. Your household shouldn't be defined to the place in which you live, it should be the people you are likely to infect.

    We're one of many groups for whom loneliness is now as frightening as any virus.
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