Delay for a year

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I don't know why you don't hold back a year, yes it will be frustrating for those due to leave school however it offers the fairest and probably the most logi to the issues of the amount of work missed and give those due to take exams time to settle back into education and into the right mind frame to take exams. Although you expect teachers not to be biased they are I am in my 30s and had a reasonable relationship with my teachers when at school but even on recent studies (part of BBC tv programme recently) of children getting their results even the teachers we surprised at the results so this is a clear indication that the teachers would not and is unfair to out them in the situation also to give the pupils exam results.

Why the contribution is important

It's the fairest way forward for all to be delay and start a fresh on the new academic year.

by StephanieM on May 07, 2020 at 12:39PM

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