Dog Groomers

I would like to see less restrictions on the opening of grooming parlours for pets. It must abide by the keeping of safe distance for staff and the public.
When pets are picked up or dropped off at grooming parlours there should be safe distances required and also there would be no need for owners to stay at a parlour.
We must also look at the health and wellbeing of pets as they will now be carrying a heavy amount of hair due to the length without hair cuts. This could be causing stress and discomfort to the animals which could in the end having the pet being cut heavily back to their body which is unfair and cruel to it.
Please all give your support to help the well being of pets in this time of lockdown.

Why the contribution is important

My idea is important to the stress and wellbeing to animals especially dogs who require hair cuts whin four to six week cycles and under stress due to hot weather conditions. We all say a pet is for life but are we being cruel to our pets bt not care if enough.

by AndrewBCameron on May 08, 2020 at 03:39PM

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  • Posted by Elkie May 08, 2020 at 16:05

    Dogs can carry the virus on their coat. This would be far too risky.
    My rescue dog is a weird cross breed with even weirder hair. Right from the start, I did groom and trim her hair myself. Much less stress for her. By now, the result does even look nice. In the beginning the outcome wasn't always so good, but she does not care how she looks. She does love a shorter cut in summer, though. Grooming should be bonding time.
  • Posted by TMcCurrach May 08, 2020 at 16:12

    Totally agree. Before lock down our dog groomer had extremely safe practices in place. Only the person dropping it or collecting the dog could enter. Only the dog moved from grooming area to customer. Spaced out appointments to avoid accidental overlapping. Dogs can get really ill if their coats become too long in summer. I can try and clip her but you can hurt your dog if your not qualified.
  • Posted by Oldbat57 May 08, 2020 at 17:16

    My dog would love to visit the groomer but I would not be happy to do this unless the groomer was able to stay safe. There are ways that groomers could work safely but everyone would have to abide by the rules.
  • Posted by jojoscot May 08, 2020 at 17:46

    I agree. My dog is non-shedding with a thick, fast growing coat. The lockdown happened just as he were going to book him an appointment for his Spring clip. His fur is now very thick and as the temperature warms outside and inside it's going to become more and more uncomfortable for him, and harder to regulate his body temperature (imagine yourself walking around all spring and summer with a fur coat on). The fur is also becoming very matted and, despite my grooming efforts, he needs a full clip. Can dog groomers be re-opened with the groomers assessing dogs online and prioritising appointments for those most needing groomed. As far as I know, the virus does not last on hair or fur for long, as it not a smooth surface, and PPE and appropriate and effective hygiene by groomers should mitigate risks of infection.
  • Posted by lovemachine May 08, 2020 at 19:18

    While it is theoretical the virus can transmit from a dog coat, the proven instances of this as far as I know are zero. The health and wellbeing of our pets is paramount. Groomers could work by appointment only (which they do already) make the human wait outside the premises and collect the dog from them at the allotted time. This is the same as vets are doing currently.
    If the dog groomer wears gloves and the dog is being shampooed I dont see a problem.
  • Posted by acaringchap May 08, 2020 at 20:01

    Groomers can manage to reopen with strict appointment systems in place and strict social distancing in place. Dog groomers can easily wear disposable gloves and disposable plastic aprons even although might be slight increase in charging for grooming. I worry greatly for pets becoming badly unkempt coats and over grown nails that would make dogs in a great deal of discomfort and pain. We need to take into account animal welfare along with abiding with guidelines set out by Scottish Government.
  • Posted by Balmediebum May 08, 2020 at 22:06

    Dog groomers should be able to open. As long as they adhere to gov. guidelines.
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